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(Reviews posted at The Book Pushers)

Bookpushers Joint Review – Archangel’s Legion (Guild Hunter #6) by Nalini Singh

Archangel's Legion - Nalini Singh

[excerpt] MiscJoy: What’s not to love about Raphael and Elena? I enjoyed the focus on their character progression and the solidification of their love and unbreakable heartbond. I really liked how both Raphael and Elena accepted each other and even when they disagreed, never lost sight of who the other was at the core level. Raphael had to reconcile his instinctive response to protect Elena by accepting her Hunter-born abilities as well as her warrior spirit. He knew she would never stay on the sidelines so he made sure she had access to everything she needed to prepare for the coming battle and life as his consort. His actions showed her that he had faith in her abilities and respect for her position. That didn’t stop him from being the Archangel — he still had to make seemingly harsh decisions to keep his people safe. However, Elena’s humanity, compassion, humor and love made him a better man and subsequently, a better Archangel. I also liked his perceptiveness towards Elena and the emotional wounds she still carried from her childhood and relationship with her father. He wouldn’t allow Elena to fold into herself when she felt the pain of that trauma, just like Elena wouldn’t let him be consumed by the power influx. Each one made stronger because of their love.


Read the full **spoiler-free** review as posted at The Book Pushers: http://thebookpushers.com/2013/10/24/bookpushers-joint-review-archangels-legion-guild-hunter-6-by-nalini-singh/


Source: http://thebookpushers.com/2013/10/24/bookpushers-joint-review-archangels-legion-guild-hunter-6-by-nalini-singh